Important Element of MAL Club

Yeah today i want to talk about several important elements that should have in MAL club. This elements should present in MAL club to make club better place and attract more members.

Display Picture
Every club should have one display picture. If you active, you can change DP often because members love come to your club to comment about the picture.

Club Picture
You can put club picture until 25 pictures. Good club put awesome picture so members love to comment it. This attract more members and make your club a place for members to search good picture.

Fill Your Information Page
Put some nice graphic. If you didnt have graphic skill you can hired somebody for it like Fabrice or Tsuruya-san. If they didnt want help you, put some text or video.

Member Card
Member cards is important recently. THIS IS MUST HAVE FOR EVERY CLUB. Make one template yourself or hired somebody willing to make member card for you.

Userbar not so important recently but it nice to see clubs that have userbar. Make it yourself or hired somebody to make it.

Club Relation
Not so important but this is nice way to attract more members. Make relation with other clubs and put their link in text or graphic.

Good club have thread to discuss. If you didnt have idea for discussion, just put game thread or spam thread so members have some time to post in your forum.

Oh well that for now... I hope my information can help you to make your club more attractive.
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